Saturday, December 8, 2007

Church Cantata

Our Church music cantata over the past few years has grown into a community-wide choir presentation with people from many congregations rehearsing and singing together. It was been a wonderful experience and an eye-opener to find out the large number of people in our community who are blessed with outstanding musical talent. Our town has 1,212 people, and we have a community choir of 30 singers. They will present "A Christmas Offering" on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 9 and 10 at our church. There are about 10 soloists and small ensemble singers in the group and a lot more who could do solos if we needed. I am happy to direct the group who are so easy to work with. Today we had a dress rehearsal and one of the women who gave birth less than a month ago, sang holding her newborn. Almost on cue, the baby cooed and made noises every time the baby Jesus was mentioned in the narration. My daughter and wife are both singing solos as well as a state patrolman, school teacher, and 20 year old factory worker. They will all amaze the crowd with their voices. I can't believe the talent. I hope I can record it accurately to share it with as many people as possible. I am praying that the freezing rain will stop in order for us to do both performances. God is good and He is in control.

1 comment:

Kyle Bridgman said...

Just a follow-up comment. The first performance went beautifully. Easily the best performance the choir has done to date. We did have to cancel the second performance due to ice. We are singing at the courthouse Friday.