Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Monday night, the ice began. We have been out of school for two days so far. The tree branches all over the county have been snapping and dropping to the ground. The whole area looks like a disaster zone. Our tree out front lost three branches, but most of the larger trees in the back and in both neighbors' yards lost more and larger branches. I'll try to put pictures on this blog somewhere. Some volunteer electric company workers from Minnesota came in a bucket truck and helped us get branches off of the neighbor's power lines. Church activities for this Wednesday night are cancelled. I think this is one of the worst ice storms I have seen. I walked out on the porch yesterday and just listened as all over town, branches were snapping at the rate of about one every twenty seconds. We haven't gone our very much until this afternoon. I'll try to publish some pics. Hope everyone else is having better weather.

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