Saturday, December 15, 2007

God takes care of Us

I had a crazy day. I taught for the first 3 hrs of the day and combined classes so that all of my groups could practice for Tuesday's concert. We have had snow days and re-arranged schedules so I needed to meet with them and then leave at lunch to make it to my wife's graduation with her Master's degree. I got home and had to get the van unstuck from the ice (which took about 20 minutes to move it 8 feet.) Everyone else was already at the ceremony. I got there 10 minutes late but was just in time to take her picture in the hallway as they processed into the room. ( the only good picture I got of the ceremony.) Afterward, I had to skip lunch with them so that I could get back to the courthouse and lead our community choir in Christmas Carols. I saw that I was going to be late so cell-phones three people to find one to bring the songbooks and CD player to the courthouse. I got there and we were performing within three minutes. On the last song, the hot chocolate machine blew a fuse and the Cd player stopped. We ended with a beautiful acapella ending and then went outside to sing the rest of the song around the city Christmas tree. My wife dropped off my youngest daughter and her father with me at the courthouse as she passed through town on the way to our HS basketball game where my oldest daughter was cheerleading that night. They went on to the game while we took the horse drawn carriage ride around the square, took "poppy" back to His hotel room and turned in for the night. It was an exciting day. Aside from all of the rushing, God worked out so many details to make all of this happen and we had fun. Wonder what is in store for today. :)

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