Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Teen College Week

Teen College was the final big event of the summer. Our youth minister and his wife to an outstanding job every year with our teens and this event lets me combine their know-how with our Vacation Bible School. We have a lot of crazy events to attract the teens, then we share Jesus with them through Bible Study and Quizzing, Worship Music, and a guest speaker each night. The crazy events included sledge-o-matic (hit things with a sledge hammer), water balloon battle (complete with slingshots), dunk tank, digital camera scavenger hunt, and a pool party and the country club pool. We had more teens than I can remember ever coming to this event and they kept returning each night. God really blessed the efforts of those participating to reach the teens in our community. We had 45 kids and 21 workers throughout the week and averaged 47 people each night. There were 7 decisions for salvation and we are in the midst of following up with those teens whose lives were changed. God is Great.

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