Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vacation Bible School Starts Tonight

Our annual VBS begins tonight and runs all week. I am the director again and we have an excellent team assembled. The theme is Outrigger Island and we have been decorating to make the church look like a Hawaiian paradise. Sue and Laura are leading and helping in the music waterfall area and everything is gearing up for a great kickoff. I just got back from Cameron radio station KMRN where Bro. Dorr and I did a live discussion about Bible School on the air during their "breakfast club" segment. It was a new experience for me and it went just fine. It was about 20 minutes of an interview style program. I am planning to go the church building later today and get the final preparations underway. Pray for a great week. We hope to have 80-100 kids enrolled.


Lila said...

I always love the music. Is it terrific this year like years' past? God's blessing as you reach "little ones" for Him!!!

Lila said...

How did Bible School turn out? We have it July 7th...got any fun decorations to share?