Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas

It seems like this season of Christmas has come so quickly. It also seems that I have had the time to re-connect with its true significance this year. I attended the school Christmas program as a member of the audience for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. I attended two different living Christmas tree programs at different churches and we also held our own children's program "Christmas in Egypt" and our adult choir presentation "2000 Decembers Ago." As much as I have seen the world pushing presents and Santa and holiday shopping, I have, for the first time in a long time, had the chance to slow down and focus repeatedly on the birth of Christ and how it is the true reason to celebrate.
I keep hearing phrases from commercials and people who are trying to have a holiday where the "Peace, Love and Joy" come from all of us giving to each other and being kind to each other and helping those less fortunate. That is not where the Peace, Love and Joy originate. It is impossible for humans to be "good for goodness sake." We are selfish and prideful at heart. That is why Christmas is so special. The birth of Christ brought the hope that we do not have to surrender to our sinful nature. We can surrender to the nature of God...a nature of peace, love, and joy. So many are copying the traditions of people in the past who did those things because they already had the Peace that passes all understanding, the Love of the Savior and the Joy of eternal salvation. The traditions are just the results of celebrating the love of God. It is not the Christmas Spirit that leads people to do these things, but the Holy Spirit residing in the hearts of Christians that was recognized for leading us to help the poor and love one another. I hope we can focus on the "true Christmas" and not the "Happy Holidays" that fade away when the wrapping paper is taken to the curb and the lights are put in the garage. I encourage everyone to celebrate the night when eternal love, peace, and joy were sent as a gift to all mankind, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger.

Read the account again in Luke chapter 2. Remember the reason we celebrate!
A Peaceful, Loving, and Joyful Christmas to all!

To see some pictures from our church programs, click the link below

1 comment:

Lila said...

Thanks, Kyle. Well said and so true. I love Christmas, and it's so good to celebrate it keeping Christ in the center. It means nothing without our Savior.